2026 Admissions Arrangements
Consultation on admission arrangements for Ewell Grove Primary & Nursery School, 29 West Street, Ewell, Epsom, Surrey, KT17 1UZ.
On behalf of The Lumen Learning Trust Board of Directors, please find below the proposed arrangements for admission to Ewell Grove Primary & Nursery School in September 2026.
Why we are consulting
In accordance with the Schools Admissions Code Guidance, the school is required to consult with you if we intend to make a change. The change being proposed is as follows:
- Removal of ‘exceptional circumstances’ as a criterion within the admission arrangements.
Schools are not required to have a priority/criterion for exceptional circumstances within their oversubscription criteria, in accordance with the Schools Admissions Code Guidance. The Directors believe this criterion can be subjectively applied on appeal and for transparency, plan to remove it from the admissions policy oversubscription criterion. Common medical conditions and allergies can usually be supported in all mainstream schools. It is believed for those pupils with special educational needs and other vulnerable pupils, there are alternative routes for them to gain a place at the school.
Next steps
The six-week consultation period will run from Monday 2nd December 2024 to Monday 13th January 2025. If you would like to comment on the proposed arrangements, please action either of the following by the latest Monday 13th January 2025:
- Complete the consultation online response form via https://forms.gle/iWCTPktLPGpbxwNUA
- Write to the Chair of the Directors at the following address: Chair of Directors, Lumen Learning Trust, c/o Saxon Primary School, Briar Road, Shepperton TW17 0JB.
If you do not have online access, and you wish to request a printed copy of the admissions arrangements and a response form, please contact Tamsin Christie at Ewell Grove Primary & Nursery School (info@ewell-grove.surrey.sch.uk).
After the closing date, responses will be collated and presented to Board of Directors. Once determined, the final admission arrangements will be placed on our school website at https://www.ewell-grove.surrey.sch.uk/.
Yours sincerely
Jo Roberts
Chair of Directors