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Nursery Application Form for September 2025

(2025-26 Intake)
Date of Birth Between:
1st September 2021 to 31st August 2022

Nursery - 3 & 4 years old
Children start in the September after their third birthday.
If parents believe that their child is eligible under any of the below categories, supporting evidence must be included with the application form:

Priority (A)
Looked After and Previously Looked After Children

Priority (B)
Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) or Social Need for a Place at Ewell Grove

Priority (C)
Children of a Member of Staff

Priority (D)
Where a child is expected to have a sibling attending Ewell Grove at the time of Admission

Priority (E)
Children who will turn 4 years old between 1st September 2025 and 31st August 2026

Please read page 4 on our Nursery Prospectus for further information regarding the above categories.

For the Spring and Summer Term Admissions (where afternoon vacancies are available only):

Priority (F)
In circumstances where there are vacant places in our Afternoon Nursery Class, and after priorities have been given using A to D, children who have had their 3rd birthday and have applied to Ewell Grove Nursery for September 2026 will be able to benefit from additional nursery experience (please see page 5 in our Nursery Prospectus).

Evidence submitted to the school after the 15th January will not be accepted.

Completing this form does not guarantee a place. Governors will consider applications received by the closing date in accordance with the School's Nursery Admissions & Charging Policy. Please read the Nursery Prospectus before completing this form. All application forms must be returned by 15th January 2025 or earlier. You will receive an email confirming receipt of this form, if you do not receive an email please contact the School Office. You will be notified in writing by the school if your child has been allocated a place.

Note: Admission to Ewell Grove Nursery does not guarantee admission to our Reception classes. Applications for Reception must be made via Surrey County Council and be submitted by the statutory deadline in order to be considered.

1. Child's Details


Please provide a utility bill (telephone bills will not be accepted), council tax bill or bank statement, not more than 6 months old, as proof of address. This will be destroyed once your application has been processed.

No file chosen

2. Parent/Carer's Details

Select one of the following*

3. Priority D - Sibling Link

Please provide details of the youngest sibling (brother/sister) who will still be attending Ewell Grove in September 2025

The school will process Nursery applications by 16th April using the Published Admissions Criteria determined by the Governors.

Any applications where the sibling rule might apply because if a sibling applying for a place in Reception for September cannot be confirmed until the Reception offer date of 16 April. A place will be held until this date.

4. Preference

Please note all preferences are Monday to Friday.

Will you have an eligibility code? - (Only required to complete if 30 hours is one of your preferences)

Further information regarding thirty hours of Free Early Education for 3 and 4 years olds, using five mornings and afternoons per week 6 hours per day, can be found by following the link below:

You will be able to check if you can receive the 30 hours extended entitlement through the government’s online checker

You must apply for your eligibility code in the term before you wish your entitlement to commence. If your application is successful you will be sent a form to complete confirming your eligibility code. Without a code you will not be able to claim the extended entitlement and you will be liable for any fees incurred.

5. Priority A – Looked After and Previously Looked After Children

Is the child in public care of a Local Authority?*
If No – has the child previously been in care and did they leave care through adoption, a child arrangements order or a special guardianship order?

If you have answered yes to either of these questions, please state the name of the local authority and provide evidence with your form.

6. Priority B – Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) or Social Need for a Place at Ewell Grove

Are you are applying under Priority B*

7. Declaration and Signature of Parent/Carer

I wish to apply for a place at Ewell Grove Nursery. I certify that I am the person with parental responsibility for the child named in Section 1 and that the information given is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.

I understand that if I give any false or deliberately misleading information on this form and/or supporting documents, or withhold any relevant information, this may lead to the withdrawal of an offer of a nursery place for my child.

I understand that it is my responsibility to provide full information to the nursery and that I will notify them of any changes to the details on this form or accompanying evidence as soon as they occur, including any change of address.

By clicking here I confirm that this is my digital signature*

Completed application forms should be submitted to Ewell Grove Primary and Nursery School by the closing date 15th January 2025. You will receive an email confirmation of your application. If you do not receive confirmation, please contact the school.

Personal Information Policy - We respect your rights and are committed to ensuring that we protect your details and the information about your dealings with us. In accordance with GDPR, we will use your information for the purpose of processing your application for a nursery place. We may share your information (but only the minimum amount of information necessary and only where it is lawful to do so) with the Council, other schools, central government departments, law enforcement agencies, statutory and judicial bodies, community service providers, contractors that process data on our behalf and medical advisors. We may also use and disclose information that does not identify individuals for research and strategic development purposes.