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The Guiding Principles of Safeguarding

School Staff are in a unique position to be able to observe signs of abuse or neglect, or changes in behaviour which may indicate a child may be being abused or neglected. As such we have a professional duty to:

  • Make sure we are alert to the signs of abuse and neglect
  • Question the behaviour of children and parents/carers and not necessarily take what we are told at face value
  • Refer to Children's Social Care or to the Police (if required without notifying parents/carers), if we suspect that a child is at risk of harm or is in immediate danger

All staff at Ewell Grove considers safeguarding to be the most important aspect of our roles; therefore to support our professional duties and responsibilities in this area we adhere to the following key principles:

  • Children have a right to be safe and should be protected from all forms of abuse and neglect
  • Safeguarding children is everyone's responsibility
  • It is better to help children as early as possible, before issues escalate and become more damaging
  • Children and families are best supported and protected when there is a coordinated response from all relevant agencies

As professionals, staff at Ewell Grove will not let other considerations, like the fear of damaging relationships with adults, get in the way of protecting our children from abuse and neglect.  If, in our professional opinion, we believe that a referral to Children's Social Care is necessary then we view this as the beginning of a process of inquiry; it is not an assessment or an accusation. 

Please see below links for Surrey Children's Services and CEOP.

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